There are several misconceptions about being in love and I feel like we should get those out of the way before we talk about how to know when you’re in love.
How to Know You’re in Love | What Love Isn’t
It’s not a Fairy Tale
One common misconception about being in love is that it should feel like a fairy tale. Many people believe that love should be perfect and without conflict, but in reality, every relationship has its ups and downs. Love is not about avoiding conflict, but about navigating it effectively and growing together.
It Isn’t All Passion
Another misconception is that love is all about passion. While passion is an important component of love, it is not the only one. True love also involves commitment, trust, respect, and mutual understanding. It’s not just about intense feelings, but also about building a deep connection with another person.
It Isn’t an All-Consuming Fire
Many people also believe that being in love means being completely consumed by the other person. This is not healthy or sustainable. It’s important to maintain your own identity and interests outside of the relationship. Being in love should not mean losing yourself.
Being in Love Won’t Solve Your Problems
A fourth misconception is that love can solve all problems. While love can certainly help in dealing with life’s challenges, it is not a cure-all. Both partners need to be willing to work on their issues individually and as a couple.
Love Isn’t Easy
Lastly, there’s a misconception that if you’re in love with someone, the relationship should be easy. Love is hard. It takes hard work and dedication to keep things moving rrorward. Many people don’t recognize love as a verb, but being in love is a lot about your actions, not just using the words.

Decoding the Language of the Heart: What Does Being in Love Really Mean?
Now that we know what love isn’t, lt’s look at what love is. What does it mean to be in love?
Being in love goes beyond the dizzying whirl of butterflies fluttering riotously in your stomach when you catch a glimpse of your special someone. It’s more than those stolen glances and whispered sweet nothings. Being in love transcends the surface-level enchantment and delves deeper into the realms of respect, compatibility, and shared desires.
The Comfort of Togetherness
If the mere presence of this individual elicits a feeling of comfort and peace, it could be love. Love offers an emotional shelter, filled with understanding, support, and warmth. The person you love is like a safe harbor in the stormy seas of life.
How to Know You’re in Love | Seeing Beyond Flaws
When you’re in love, you don’t just tolerate but truly accept the person in their entirety, quirks and all. You see their shortcomings, not as flaws, but essential parts that make them uniquely who they are. You admire their perfections and embrace their imperfections, understanding that nobody is perfect, not even you.
Valuing Their Happiness as Your Own
Finding yourself genuinely invested in the other person’s happiness often suggests you’re in love. In love, their joy becomes your joy and their pain becomes your pain. This empathetic connection builds a strong bond, one that is able to weather adversities.
Envisioning a Shared Future
It’s often a significant sign of love when you can’t visualize your future without them. When you make plans, whether it’s for next month or five years from now, they’re there, an essential part of your journey.
How to Know You’re in Love | Enduring Love is Resilient
Finally, love is resilient. Love motivates you to stick it out even during hardship because you believe in the strength of your bond. The challenges you face together aren’t roadblocks— they’re opportunities to grow together, to further understand each other, and to build a dynamic that’s virtually unshakeable.
Remember though, love looks and feels different to everyone. It’s an experience that is deeply personal. Trust your feelings, listen to your heart, and let love guide your journey. After all, love is a journey, not a destination.
Everyone’s Favorite Four-Letter Word: Defining Love in Your Terms
What does love mean to you? It’s a question that warrants an honest answer. Love can be endearing, nurturing, explosive, and every bit as comforting as a hot cup of coffee on a freezing winter morning, or as exhilarating as a roller coaster ride. But what does it mean to you?
Love doesn’t wear a one-size-fits-all tag. Your definition of love shouldn’t be influenced by Hollywood rom-coms, cheesy novels, or romantic poems. Instead, it should be based on your personal experiences, values, and aspirations.
Romantic love, familial love, platonic love, self-love – each carries its own weight and meaning. Within those broad categories, there’s your own, unique interpretation. Because whether you’re a hopeless romantic, a pragmatic partner, or a bit of both, your love can look different from anyone else’s.
Your experience of love means sharing your most intimate secrets in a soundproof room of two, or whispering sweet nothings over a busy dinner table. It’s the silence of understanding, or the chorus of shared laughs. It’s the daily grind, or the special moments. All these scenarios are love, and it’s up to you to define what this four-letter word means to you.
Take a moment. Reflect on it. What does love look like to you? How do you feel it? How do you express it? There isn’t a wrong answer. There’s only your answer. And once you discover that, you’re well on your way to recognizing love when it makes an appearance in your life.
Remember, defining love in your terms is empowering and essential. It enables you understand what you need from a relationship, instead of trying to fit into a standard definition that doesn’t quite resonate with you. And that’s okay. After all, it’s your love, your terms, your life.
Love or Infatuation: Breaking Down the Differences
Before we continue, it’s essential for you to understand the fundamental differences between love and infatuation. Often, these two powerful feelings get tangled up and misinterpreted, especially when they come rushing in like a torrent of emotions. So let’s break it down, shall we?
1. Duration: Temporary Infatuation vs. Long-lasting Love
Infatuation behaves much like a sparkler. It burns brightly and intensely for a brief moment then fades quickly, leaving just a residue of what once was. Love, conversely, is more like an ever-burning ember. It keeps on glowing, often flickering but enduring despite the challenges and constraints time throws at it. If your feelings for somebody are still going strong after a substantial amount of time, you might just be in love.
2. Foundations: Surface-level Infatuation vs. Deep-rooted Love
Infatuation is often based on superficial features—appearance, status, or certain idiosyncrasies that you find attractive. On the flip side, love is rooted in profound appreciation of the entire person, including their virtues and vices. When you love someone, you accept them as they are, fully recognizing them and seeing their inner essence.
3. Objectivity: Distorted Infatuation vs. Realistic Love
When you’re infatuated with someone, your perception might get distorted. You idealize them, seeing only their best aspects and ignoring their faults. But when you’re in love, you see your partner for who they truly are, with all their imperfections, yet you still cherish them. After all, love isn’t blind—it sees but it doesn’t mind.
4. Security: Jealous Infatuation vs. Trusting Love
Infatuation can lead to obsessive feelings of jealousy and possession. It wants the other person’s attention all the time and fears losing them. Love, in contrast, is grounded in trust and understanding. It’s secure enough to give space, to respect the freedom and individuality of the other person, and does not fear the potential separation anxiety.
Understanding these distinguishing characteristics between love and infatuation will go a long way towards helping you recognize when you’re genuinely in love. Remember, it’s not the intensity, but the longevity and stability of feelings that matter most when it comes to love.

Beneath the Surface: Physical Signs Your Body Screams ‘You’re in Love’
When it comes to love, the body often has its own language. An increase in happy hormones like oxytocin and serotonin, a quickened heartbeat when you see the person, and even having trouble sleeping could all be signs that you’re falling in love.
1. Expressive Eyes: The Window to Your Heart
You’ve probably heard the saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. When we’re attracted to someone, our pupils naturally dilate, an involuntary response rooted in human evolution. The fascinating thing about the eyes is that they can’t hide authenticity. So, those starry-eyed looks that you can’t seem to stop giving your partner? They might be an evident sign that you’re falling head over heels.
2. Racing Heart: The Love Beats
Is your heart skipping a beat at the mere thought of that special someone? This isn’t just poetic language. Love can actually speed up your heart rate. Research says that when you’re in love, the adrenaline in your body tends to make your heart pump faster. In other words, your racing heart may be much more than just anticipation or excitement; it may be a physical sign of love’s arrival.
3. Butterflies in the Stomach: A Flicker of Love
If you feel those famous butterflies in your stomach whenever you see or think about the one you love, this could be your body’s way of signaling that you’re in love. It’s a literal gut reaction, caused by a surge of adrenaline in the body when you’re in love. Yes, it might make you a little nervous, but it’s a surefire sign that your emotions are kicking into high gear.
4. Trouble Sleeping: Love is the Best Lullaby
As odd as it may sound, if you can’t fall asleep because you’re thinking about the person you unwittingly fell for, it might be a hint that you’re in love. After all, as Shakespeare once said: “Love’s stories written in love’s richest books. To fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes.” And that may involve forfeiting some slumber.
There you have some physical signs that your body could be showing that you’re in love. Of course, everyone experiences love differently, so these are not definitive proof, but rather signals to look out for.
The Involuntary Smile: How Love Affects Your Mood
Love tends to paint the world in vibrant colors. You feel energized, relieved, and overall happier. Does it sound familiar? Let’s dig into how love gives you that glow and what science has to say about it.
Natural Mood Enhancer
Ask anyone who’s been in love, and they’ll tell you – the feeling of a crush can brighten your day like few things can. Neurologically, love triggers the release of dopamine, the brain’s pleasure chemical. This gives you an undeniable joyful high, making you giddy with happiness, leading to that charming, inevitably irresistible smile on your face.
Boost in Self-Esteem
It’s common for people in love to feel better about themselves. Your feelings are mirrored in your significant other, making you feel validated, appreciated, and cherished. As a result, you’ll notice a positive shift in your self-perception and self-worth, providing a healthy boost to your self-esteem.
Joy in Shared Happiness
The happiness you derive from seeing your partner happy, content, and fulfilled is a prominent sign of you being in love. This shared joy builds an emotional connection, strengthens your bond, and deepens your feelings for each other. Love has the magical power of making you happier when you’re around the person you love, and their happiness becomes your happiness, making your smile glow even brighter.
Profound Connections: How Love Deepens Relationships
Being smitten with someone doesn’t merely change how you view yourself—it affects how you interact with others, too. In love, we foster deep connections not only with our partner but with the world as a whole. Love fosters meaningful ties that extend beyond romantic relationships, impacting friendships and family interactions.
Love Penetrates Emotional Barriers
When you are in love, you find yourself opening up, expressing thoughts and feelings you’d otherwise keep private. You let down your emotional guard, daring to be vulnerable in the presence of your loved one. This emotional transparency enables profound connections to flourish, deepening your bond and fostering trust, intimacy, and understanding within your relationship.
Love Promotes Empathetic Understanding
Being in love can also transform your ability to understand and sympathize with others. You find it easier to place yourself in your partner’s shoes, experiencing their joys and anxieties as if they were your own. This empathetic understanding creates a shared emotional landscape, inviting you and your partner to navigate life’s ups and downs together—thus encouraging growth and strengthening your relationship.
Love Inspires Positive Changes
Love acts as a catalyst for positive change in oneself. You’re driven to better yourself, not just for your own sake, but also for your beloved. Such transformations could range from adopting healthier habits, nurturing personal growth, to refining social skills. These changes can positively impact your relationships across the board, even outside your romantic involvement.
Mature Love Cultivates Shared Experiences
Almost nothing deepens a relationship more than shared experiences. Whether it’s navigating challenges, pursuing mutual interests, or creating memories, love fuels the desire to spend quality time together. These shared experiences provide a common thread that binds your lives, strengthening your emotional bond and continually bringing you closer together.

Once you find true love, the key is keeping it! In my best-seller, Pennies in the Jar: How to Keep a Man for Life, you’ll learn many things you and your guy can do to maintain a healthy, happy relationship. The pennies you put in the jar are shared memories. You add pennies when you do things together like exploring a quaint little town nearby or relaxing in a coffee shop on a Saturday afternoon. They’re added when you make a game out of grocery shopping or have a cooking contest for dinner.
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The Inner Workings of Your Heart: Understanding Your Emotions
Have you noticed a new spectrum of emotions burgeoning within? This could be a telltale sign that you’re head over heels in love. Your emotions, both quiet whispers and deafening roars, play a pivotal role in decoding the language of love. Understanding them isn’t always easy, but it’s utterly rewarding.
An Eruption of Happiness
Remember that bounce in your step, the uncontainable smile, and an unusual bubbling up of joy? Being in love often ignites a fireworks display of happiness inside us. Observing these joyful emotions and their frequency can provide vital cues that you are in love.
A Dance of Desire and Longing
When in love, you might find yourself oscillating between desire and longing. Desire to spend every waking hour with the person, blended with a longing when they’re not around – a dance of emotions that can often point to your heart falling in love.
A Soothing Wave of Calm
Amidst this thrilling rollercoaster ride of emotions, you might also experience a peculiar calm. A serenity that stems from the security of being cared for and valuing someone deeply. If this peaceful emotion washes over you when thinking about your significant other, it’s a strong inclination toward love.
Pangs of Jealousy
No exploration of love’s emotional landscape would be complete without mentioning jealousy. While it is often misconstrued, a dash of jealousy is natural when in love. It’s the concern of losing someone cherished. But beware! If this emotion flares up frequently or violently, it’s necessary to address it healthily and honestly.
A Symphony of Emotions
Welcome to the symphony of love’s emotions – a splendid and complex composition that’s uniquely yours. Understanding these emotions can serve as your compass, guiding you through the labyrinth of love. So pay attention to them. They might whisper or scream, either way, they’re telling you something significant about your heart’s situation.
The Love Evolution: How True Love Grows Over Time
Embarking on a voyage of true love is not a linear journey—it’s a continuous cycle of growth and discovery. Just like a delicate sapling that eventually grows into a strong, sturdy tree, love, too, takes time to mature and become deeper.
Love in the Early Stages
During the early stages, love is like a beautiful, blooming flower, mesmerizing and intoxicating with its vibrant colors and stunning allure. This is where physcial attraction and infatuation hold sway. But as time passes, like a flower that wilts only to bear fruit, love transcends its initial stages, offering something more substantial, more fulfilling.
Remember when you first fell head over heels for your significant other? The palpitations, the wide grins, and those never-ending conversations? That’s the ‘honeymoon phase’ or the ‘passionate love’ phase as psychologists call it. It’s characterized by a high degree of intensity and enveloping euphoria. It’s exciting and exhilarating, but it’s also unstable—much like actual honeymoons, it doesn’t last forever.
A Few Years Later
Fast forward to a few years, or even months, into a relationship. The lightning bolt of infatuation is replaced by a glow of warmth and comfort—that’s the shift towards ‘companionate love’ happening. As the fires of passion take a backseat, what steps in is a deeper sense of intimacy, commitment, and trust. It’s less about the thrills and more about the comfort and security that comes with truly knowing and accepting each other.
True love evolves with time. It deepens years into the relationship when you’ve gone past the surface-level knowledge of each other, navigating through life’s ups and downs together, sharing successes, failures, joys, and sadness. This is often marked with an enhanced sense of understanding, acceptance, and mutual respect.
Keep it Going
It’s important to remember, however, that like everything worthwhile, maintaining love requires efforts. To keep your love evolving, you need to nurture it, invest in it. Surprise each other, show appreciation, have meaningful conversations, and continue dating each other, even if you’ve been together for years. Love that lasts is love that is never taken for granted.
But most of all, evolution in love means evolving together—helping each other grow as individuals, and growing as a unit. It means building a shared narrative while also fostering personal growth. That’s how love not only survives but thrives. Because, after all, ‘happily ever after’ isn’t a destination—it’s a journey, a continuous process of growing, nurturing and evolving love.
Wrapping Up: How to Know When You’re in Love
So, how can you tell when you’re truly in love?
Love feels comfortable, yet exciting. There’s a sense of peace, even when things go awry. You know, deep down inside, that you can weather whatever life throws at you as long as you have your special someone by your side.
Second, being in love means accepting and loving your partner for who he is—flaws and all. He’s not perfect, but in your eyes, he’s just right, in all of his perfectly imperfect glory.
Third, a clear sign you’re in love is when you start valuing his happiness as much as your own. His smiles bring joy to your heart and his tears bring a lump to your throat. True love means caring about his wellbeing, sometimes even more than your own.
Envisioning a future with him is another hallmark of love. You see him in all your tomorrows. You want to wake up next to him, grow old with him, endure the ups and downs of life together—that’s real love.
Lastly, true love is resilient. It doesn’t burn out when the honeymoon phase is over. It’s not swayed by fights or conflicts. It endures, through thick and thin, highs and lows, till the end of time.
Figuring out if you’re in love can be a bit of a puzzle. But understanding how love manifests, recognizing its physical and emotional indicators, and differentiating it from other intense feelings, like infatuation, can make the picture clearer. The journey to uncover whether you’re in love can be baffling and overwhelming, but remember, love is just as much an art as it is a science, and the excitement lies in experiencing it.
So go ahead, soak in the beauty of love and never be afraid to follow your heart.